Congratulations on your new baby!
Your baby may already be here or you may be eagerly awaiting your child’s birth. The responsibility and wonder you sense is something we want to celebrate with you as you bring your child to the Church for the Sacrament of Baptism.
Our parish family is very happy to have a new member already here or on the way—your child will bring new life to you and to our Church
Please realize that the decision to have your child baptized is not something to be taken lightly; it must be made only after serious reflection. In the Sacrament of Baptism, your child will begin the process of initiation into the Catholic Church, a process that continues through Confirmation, First Communion. and First Reconciliation. You will be asked during the celebration of the baptism to promise God and the Church to raise your child in the practice of the Catholic faith and you are accepting the responsibility of being the first teacher(s) of your child in the ways of this Catholic faith. You will also nominate one or two other people of Catholic faith to be your child’s Godparents or baptismal sponsors, and to assist you in fulfilling this obligation. Please read and follow the provided information so that the preparation process and the baptism can both proceed smoothly.
The day of Baptism is a great day for your child and your family. Your child joins a large family of faith which stretches back to the Lord Jesus and his early followers. The word that comes to mind when thinking of you and your child is “gift.” The Lord has shared the life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through the living waters of Baptism. The child is also given the power to believe, to hope, and, above all, to love. Baptism occurs only once in the life of a Christian. It is the beginning of the journey that leads to everlasting life with God.
The Lord delights in your choice to share the gift of divine life with your child. As parents you are simply irreplaceable. Your role of sharing and cultivating the life of Jesus in your child is a great privilege and opportunity. Studies have shown that the parents have a major role in cultivating the faith life of their children.
Please read through the frequently asked questions, we hope they may answer any questions that you have but if you need further information or clarification please feel free call the parish office at 842-2129 and we will be happy to assist you.
Please take a few minutes to watch this great video on Baptism!
For information on registering for baptism preparation classes please go to the link below.
Sun | 5:00pm |
Mon | No Mass |
Tue | 6:30pm |
Wed | 9:00am |
Thu | 9:00am |
Fri | 12:10pm |
Sat | 5:00pm |