Stewardship: A Way of Life
Stewardship is a way of life that is deeply rooted in the person of Jesus Christ, who came to teach us how to live. He came not to do His own will, but the will of the One who sent Him.He came not to be served, but to serve.
God is sending each of us to continue the mission of Jesus.
Why Stewardship?
Christian stewardship successfully bridges the material world around us and the world of the Spirit within us. Stewardship, spirituality, can be exercised at home or in the workplace and is expressed through personal involvement in both the community and the Church.
Stewardship Committee Members
- Rev. Francis Plaparampil
- Tom Schuck (Chair)
- Donna Winter
- Dave Creurer
- Terry Creurer
- Mary Ann Flaaten
- Don Vatamaniuck
- Connie Regier
- Pat Wolensky (Parish Council Rep.)
If you are interested in joining our committee - we'd love to have you!
Please contact the parish office for more information.
Stewardship Is...
- an attitude of gratitude,
- to begin with God and his abundance,
- to acknowledge that God is creator and owner of all,
- responsible management of time, talent and treasure,
- sharing our love to serve others,
- rooted in scripture and spirituality,
- a personal relationship with God,
- a collaborator in God’s creation,
- living our Baptismal promises,
- a decision to answer the call to be a disciple of Christ, and
- trust not control.
Christian Stewardship...
- gives meaning and purpose to one’s life,
- builds up and renews Christ’s Church,
- spreads the mission of Christ,
- leads people to share in the work of evangelization and proclaiming the Good News,
- promotes acceptance of every member’s responsibility for the Church,
- fosters and nurtures healthy family life,
- allows opportunities for us to use our personal gifts, and
- helps us become aware that God is the ultimate giver of the gifts that we have.
Stewardship Prayer
I offer this day to you dear God.
Thank you for the blessings you have given me.
May I use these gifts to build your kingdom.
May my actions be a reflection of your love.
May what I do today bring others closer to you.
May my words be kind and gentle and may they bring joy to others.
Today, help me to give back a portion of what you have given me.
I ask this in Jesus' name.
Sat | 5:00pm |
Sun | 9:00am, 11:00am |
Mon | No Mass |
Tue | 6:30pm |
Wed | 9:00am |
Thu | 9:00am |
Fri | 12:10pm |