Ministries & Groups
There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of services to be done, but always the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people, it is the same God who is worshiped.
- I Corinthians 12: 3-7, 12-13
Ministries List
- Liturgy & Worship
- Hospitality Ministers
- Music Ministry
- Art & Décor
- Pastoral Care
- ​Collection Counters
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Funeral Lunch Committee
Hospitality Ministers
Ushers are considered as an Ambassador of the church, members of this ministry are friendly and outgoing and enjoy making others feel welcome. You may also assist parishioners to their seats. Ushers also take up the collection and hand out the bulletins. Your group is scheduled on a rotational basis.
Music Ministry
This ministry is ideal for those who are musically inclined. We always welcome those who can hold a note or play an instrument. We welcome everyone and there is no age restriction.
If you would like to be part of the Music Ministry which helps us all to worship Jesus, please speak to one of the choir directors after Mass for more information.
Art & Décor
Members of this committee serve the parish by preparing, tastefully decorating and maintaining the worship environment for various feasts and seasons of the liturgical year. This committee is great for those who are creative and artistic, but it is not mandatory! Also needed for this is parishioners willing to climb ladders and bring décor up from the basement.
Pastoral Care
Members bring comfort through visiting of the sick, immobile and elderly, those in distress and all persons in need. The Committee assists the pastor in fulfilling the needs of those who are suffering. The services are provided by teams of volunteers; these volunteers have an ability to show compassion and loving concern for people in the context of our Christian faith. This Ministry team takes Communion to those who are sick at home or in the hospital. Some of the members provide a Lay Service at care homes, and some provide assistance in transporting care home residents to Masses and Communion services that are scheduled weekly, biweekly and monthly. If you would like ti be a part of this Ministry please call the parish office.
Collection Counters
Parishioners are needed to count the collection from the weekend liturgies. 3 or 4 per weekend is preferred, you are scheduled on a rotation basis. If you have a knack with numbers, please contact the office about joining this invaluable group.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Members of this ministry crochet and/or knit shawls for those who are undergoing medical procedures, enduring bereavement, or are in need of comfort during times of stress or illness.
Funeral Lunch Committee
The funeral luncheon ministry provides a light luncheon for family and friends at McKenna Hall following the Funeral Mass & burial.
Volunteers are needed to prepare food, set up the environment, help serve & clean up. Bakers of dainties for the funeral lunch are also needed. There are 6 funeral lunch groups, each has its group of bakers and the groups are called on a rotational basis. It is a rewarding service to give to people beginning their mourning process. Please call the Parish Office if you can help out!
Sat | 5:00pm |
Sun | 9:00am, 11:00am |
Mon | No Mass |
Tue | 6:30pm |
Wed | 9:00am |
Thu | 9:00am |
Fri | 12:10pm |